UoPeople: My thoughts after taking the English Composition 1 Course(ENG0101).

I've taken English Composition 1 course(ENG0101) at UoPeople last 2021Term5(2022/06/16-08/17). As It was the first time for me to attend a university online and obtain some good ideas, I leave some memos for the students who will take this course, and for me to review them. 




1. What is ENG0101

This course is required course for students who don't have proof of their English proficiency when they enroll in UoPeople. Even though it is a selection course for enrollment, it progresses like the same process as other credited courses.


The rough process of the course is below.

  • Week(Unit) 1 ~ Week(Unit) 8 :
    The students are given the following assignments each week: Reading Assignment(RA), Written Assignment(WA), Discussion Assignment(DA), and Learning Journal(LJ). These assignments are required to submit until the next Wednesday.
  • Week(Unit) 9 :
    The students have to take a Final Exam. There are no assignments in the week except the Final Exam.
  • Week(Unit) 10 :
    It exists on Student Portal, but there are no assignments.


2. What I learned in ENG0101

I consider I could obtain the knowledge, which is necessary basic thoughts regard with Academic English for learning in UoPeople, and the practical methods to progress the courses.


I learned:

  1. about the Citation and how to use it.
  2. about Critical Thinking.
  3. how to decide on the thesis.
  4. how to write 5 paragraph essay.
  5. about the manners when replying in the discussion.
  6. about what the Reviewed paper and the abstract are.
  7. how to use UoPeople Library.
  8. about the basics of grammar.

Roughly say, I learned the contents above.


Before taking this course, I have little knowledge about using citations or writing an essay, so it was so significant for me to learn about them through taking my time to write my own essay putting 5-6 weeks into it. In addition to that, it was the first time for me to learn English in English, and I had a great time learning it. Since I was not able to prove my English proficiency when I enrolled at UoPeople, I took this course, but I could practically learn many basics, which include how to use Moodle, before starting regular courses, I consider taking this course was eventually good for me.


3. The areas of improvement

Throughout the course, I did mistakes twice when I submitted the assignments for WA and LJ. Its were caused by not reading RA enough, so I found out the importance of reading up about it.




4. Some advice to the students who will take this course

I consider completing this course not quite difficult for the students who do what they have to do diligently.


The students should:

  1. put their time into doing their assignments completely even if they spend a lot of time. Because the assignments given every week seem to be simple and easy to solve, but actually, they are well-considered good questions, so the students want to spend their time considering answering them.
  2. be conscious of the composition of the writings. As the course is named "English Composition", I consider this course is made for fostering the student's ability to compose writing.
  3. comply with the instructions when the students tackle the assignments. It is natural to comply with the required command. If don't, the student's grades should be downed.
  4. learn from other peers. There are peer review assignments in the course. Peer review assignments are so useful in that they could let us see the other student's answers. Reading others' answers gives us a chance to know better opinions and expressions, and it makes them enhance their opinion.
  5. do the Self Quizzes every week. Because the questions in the Graded Quizzes, which are in Unit 3 and Unit 6, are from the Self Quizzes, so the students want to review them before taking the Graded Quizzes.


5. About the Final Exam

There is the Final Exam at Unit9, and unfortunately, there is no relevance between learning through the course and the Final Exam. So, the students have to study for the Final Exam apart from the course learning contents. Regarding the Final Exam, I will describe it in the other article, please see it.

UoPeople: English Composition 1を受講して

去った2021Term5(2022/06/16-08/17)にUoPeopleのEnglish Composition 1(ENG0101)を受講しました。



1. ENG0101とは

このコースは、UoPeopleに入学する際にEnglish proficiencyを証明するための書類を準備することが出来ない生徒候補が必ず受講しないといけないコースです。


  • Week(Unit) 1 ~ Week(Unit) 8 : 
    各週ごとにReading Assignment(RA), Written Assignment(WA), Discussion Assignment(DA), Learning Journal(LJ)が与えられ、翌週水曜日までに課題を提出することが求められます。
  • Week(Unit) 9 :
    Final Examがあります。この週はFinal Exam以外は課題はありません。
  • Week(Unit) 10 :
    Student Portal上は設定されていますが、特に課題等があるわけではありません。コースのGradeを集計する期間なんですかね?よくわからないです。


2. ENG0101で学んだこと

このコースではこれからUoPeople(アメリカの大学)で学ぶにあたって必要なAcademic Englishに関する基礎的な考え方、実践方法が学べたと思います。


1. Citationについて
2. Critical Thinkingとは
3. Thesisの決め方
4. 5 paragraph essayの書き方
5. Discussionする際のReplyのマナー
6. Reviewed paper, abstractとは何か
7. UoPeople Libraryの使い方
8. Grammarの基礎




今回僕はUoPeople入学にあたってEnglish proficiencyを証明することが出来なかったためこのコースを受講しましたが、本格的な Credit Courseを受講する前にMoodleの使用方法含め、基礎的なことを実践的に学べたので、結果的に受講して良かったと思います。

3. 反省点

Reading Assignmentとして与えられた資料を精読せずにWAとLJの課題を提出し、63.0/90.0という結果だったことが2度ほどあったので、RAはしっかり読み込むことが重要だと思いました。


4. これからこのコースを受講する方へ



  1. 時間がかかっても課題にじっくり取り組む:
  2. 文章の構成を意識する:
    コースでは毎週RAで短編小説を読む課題が与えられ、それについての意見をDFにpostしますが、その際、自身の意見の正しさについてはあまり意識しなくても良いかと思います。このコースはコース名にEnglish Compositionとあるように、文章の構成する力を養うためのコースだと思いますし、instructorの評価は自分がなぜそう思ったのかを論理立てて記載出来ているかということに重点が置かれていると感じていましたので、提出物(DA, WA, LJ全て)を提出する際は文章の論理構成を特に気を付けた方が良いかと思います。
  3. Instructionで指示された内容は遵守する:
    このコースを受講してる際に衝撃だったのが、DAやWAのPeer reviewをしていると、instructionに従っていない人がかなり多かったということです。(100文字以内で記載しなさいという指示に対し余裕で100文字オーバーする人とかね)
  4. 他の生徒の良い文章表現等を盗む:
    タイトルの言葉通りですが、Peer reviewの良い点として、流暢な英語を使っている生徒の回答を見ることが出来ることがあげられると思います。良いと思った表現はなるべく取り入れるようにするとWrittingの練習にもなると思います。
  5. Self Quizは絶対にやっておいた方が良い
    Unit3, 6にあるGraded QuizはSelf Quizから出題されるので絶対に100点取れるまでやっておいた方が良いです。特にGraded Quiz前に再度reviewした方が良いと思います。


5. Final Examについて

他の方のサイトでも指摘されているように、ENG0101で学んだこととFinal Examに関連性はないです。
なので、Final Exam用に別で勉強しておくことが必要だと思います。
Final Examについては別記事で取り上げようと思いますので、そちらをご覧ください。